Products > Drop Off Service

Drop Off Service

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Please Request an Online Quote
Call Now for more Info: 1-844-ShredBox (1-844-747-3326)


No more waiting for the next community "shred day." Drop off your boxes of documents by appointment to our Malden, MA facility Mon-Fri 6:30AM-3:30PM. Your boxes are shredded unopened and the destruction process is video-recorded. We will even send you an email alert when the destruction is complete with links to the video of destruction and certificate of destruction. Protect the identity of yourself, your family, your clients and your employees with this secure and convenient product.

Please Note!  Please order 1 of this product for each box you would like us to destroy. For example, if you have three boxes to destroy, then please order 3 of this product.

Product Details:

  • Documents in covered, sealed cardboard boxes are preferred.
  • Documents in bags, plastic storage bins or any other containers will be secured in locking carts.
  • Please call ahead to schedule an appointment.

Drop off Location:

  • Facility:
    159 Frontage Road
    Manchester, NH 03103

With Your Order, You Will Receive:

  • Secure confidential destruction
  • Free online account
  • Email alert upon destruction (per order)
  • Video of destruction (per order)
  • Certificate of destruction (per order)


Maximum Weight 65.0 lbs. per box

Drop off Appointments:

  • Appointments are available Monday through Friday 9AM-4PM.
  • Please call ahead to arrange a day and time: 844-747-3326
This quantity is too large for an online purchase. Please contact us and a member of our customer care team will be happy to assist you.